This is the AMT/Ertl kit of the U.S.S. Excelsior captained by Hikaru Sulu.  Built several years ago, this was before I was aware of "aztek" patterns and many of the advanced painting techniques using washes and drybrushing.  Even so, the overall effect is satisfying since ships in the Star Trek universe tend to be very clean.
This view gives you a good idea of the stretched proportions of this ship.  Not one of my favorites at the time the ship first appeared, the design has grown on me in the intervening years.
The nacelle top pieces and the deflector dish are moulded in clear plastic.  In order to achieve the blue look I used Tamiya Clear Blue.  This was the first time I had ever used a clear paint and I went through a learning experience trying to get even coverage.  All three parts were painted on the underside with the transparent paint as a way to protect the finish and retain the shine of the clear plastic.  The concept of clear coats was unknown to me at the time.